Thursday, 6 September 2012

With Bhakti Charu Swami on Cuise

Experiences by HG Mandira devi dasi

For the first time in my life it was difficult to come back to Radhadesh Dhama where I living since 1997. The whole atmosphere with the so many Holy persons and the deep realisations I received by their mercy,wanted to keep me their eternally.

So I tought, if I give myself now the opportunety to not loose myself in my daily not always so spiritual toughts, and take full shelter of my realisations and experience, than the bliss will stay and also grow.
The inspiring knocks on the microphone from HH Sacinandana Maharaja where helping me a lot, to keep me more wake-up. And yes, it is working and sometimes not and then I realise immediatly "wrong way again".

The whole retreat was really "Spiritual Bliss!" for me. There was doubt before my booking to do it, because once in my life I did a small cruise in Egypt and I did a promess to myself to never repeath such stupid
entertainment. But this was a Spiritual Cruise by the association and inspiration of the different Holy Persons full of compassion for all of us.

My daily chanting was so much increasing in quality.  By this I like to express my whole-heartedly thankfulness towards HH Sacidananda Maharaja. Since HH.Sacinandana Maharaja started the Kirtan festivals and Seminars and was able to take some part here in Radhadesh Dham my chanting became better.
Everytime when Maharaja start to sing, for me it is like Maharaja is open the doors in the Spiritual connection with their Lordships thrue the Holy Name. By myself I would never be able to do that, I joined when I was 44 years old and my heart was like a dead stone full of material impressions.

The pastimes we could hear in the classes where so wonderfull, again by the purity of their heart they can take You with them inside, but real inside. For myself I could realise that it was the first time I received
this type of entrance. Different emotions came up which were not material contaminated. This was only possible by their Mercy. So for myself it is clear that I myself can do nothing and are fully depending on the causeless Mercy of the Holy persons.

Another briljant experience was to feel the different moods of the Holy Persons in speaking out the pastimes of Krsna .This is for myself good to understand "Equal and Different". There is no better or less.

Also the beautifull Harinama's give me special realisations.  Most of the time I feel strange in Harinama's, one of the reasons is that outsiders not understand what a treasure they receive by hearing the Holy Name. They look down on us as the most strange persons and do not understand what a great knowledge and Spiritual power is their to give to them.  So by this I received the full Bliss and Nectar in "Santiago de Compostella"!!! This was for me together with the entrance in Krsna's Pastimes the most Blisful realisations I received.

I was feeling so happy and connected with everybode, the devotees and all the spirit souls in our surrounding who where full of Bliss by hearing and seeing us.  I could feel so much connection with Lord Jesus Christ and
expressed to Him my thankfulness that I received the chance in this life to grow-up in a Christian family, no matter I was not able to understand and follow Him in a devotional way. I could feel a lot of tears from regret and
gratitude towards Him in my heart who came out later also from my eyes.  On the same moment I felt such a great gratitude towards HDG Srila Prabhupada, my Guru-Maharaja all the Holy Spiritual Masters there present and the devotees to let me take part in this great event.  A drop of realisation I received by this that we are all Eternal Spirit souls under the Loving care and shelter of Srimati Radharani en Lord Krsna.

By this I like to thank whole-heartedly all the Spiritual Masters and participated devotees in this beautifull Spiritual Cruise retreat. My greatfull thankfulness special for HG Radha Vinod das HG Campaklata devi dasi Lila vilasini devi dasi HG Janava devi dasi the agent Divyesh for the so wonderfull devotional and carefull organisation. I have nothing to complain on I am only very thankfull towards all of You and hope that I was lenient in my association with all of You.

Towards You,my Dear Guru-Maharaja, I like to express my thankfulness in a way I know it can make You happy. This way is to work a lot on myself  by all the deep realisations I received by Your causeless Mercy upon me. I remember so well the first time I got the chance to meet You in Rotterdam in 1996 this was for me a fact that I found back what I lost fora long time. For me it was a recognition.

Thank You so much  Lord Krsna to show me the way in 1994 after my prayer towards You and brought me in contact with the books of Srila Prabhupada.Now I realise that my prayer only was to know You and to become free from the bondage of the law of Karma and Reincarnation. By the causeless Mercy of Srila Prabhupada a could learn that the most important thing is to develop love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krsna. Thank You so much Srila Prabhupada for what You did for us fallen souls in Kali-Yuga en brought me in contact with my Spiritual Master HH Bhakti Caru Maharaja after my prayer to You for this.

By ending now trying to express my realisations I feel I forgot an important point and that is that by this Seminar I felt doubly happy because I could see and feel how happy You were, dear Guru-Maharaja, by the so loving association with Your dearmost Godsbrothers and Sister. I feel really happy when You are happy!

I like to express my full thankfulness towards HG Ramananda Raya Prabhu, his wife Kamala Manjari Mataji to organise everything so nicely and comfortably for HG Yasoda Priya and myself for the travelling towards Southhampton and back to Radhadesh.

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