Friday, 13 July 2012

Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja solves a man's difficulty in praying [Vatican City]

On his preaching tour HH Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja visited Rome on 9th July 2012. Since Guru Maharaja is involved in the construction of Vedic Planetarium temple in Mayapur, he wanted to see the Vatican City. He along with 6 other devotees went to the Vatican city. Guru Maharaja was seeing that many people were watching him because of his saffron robes. Guru Maharaja also saw a painting there in which Plato was wearing saffron robes.
Then a man, dressed in black suit with blue tie, came to a devotee and started to ask various things. Guru Maharaja was at some distance but he was seeing this person asking something to the devotees. Then Guru Maharaja heard his mention in the talks, so he decided to talk to the man directly. As Guru Maharaja went there, the man asked him a question. The man asked that he finds it difficult to pray. The man admitted that he had taken a vow of praying daily for two hours but he finds it to be very difficult.
Guru Maharaja told the man that since he had taken a vow, he must do that. Also Guru Maharaja told him that initially it seems to be difficult but when you practice then it becomes easy. But man again admitted his failure in doing so. Guru Maharaja then told him, “you are finding difficulty in praying because you are doing it mechanically. You are not actually communicating with God. But if you communicate with God then you find it easy.” Still he was not understanding. He was telling “It is very difficult.”
Guru Maharaja then asked him whether he had a son. He replied yes. Then Guru Maharaja asked the man, “do you love your son?”. The man replied, “I love my son very much!”. Guru Maharaja then asked him, “do you find any difficulty in talking with your son?”. The man replied “no”. Unfortunately his son doesn’t have much time for him now.  Guru Maharaja then pointed out, “You don’t find difficulty in talking with your son because there is reciprocation and love. So, similarly when you pray to the Lord, you must do it with the understanding that you love God and God loves you. Prayer is actually communication with God. An you must understand that God is in your heart and when you pray to Him, He hears you. You must also hear Him responding to your prayer. In this way when there is loving dialogue, loving exchange, then you will find that praying to Him is so easy. When you develop your love for God and start communicating that love with God, then not only for two hours, you will speak to Him for 24 hours a day. ”
The man admitted that he was in Vatican since 1955 and he had seen six Popes and  he never had an dialogue like this!
Then the man came and embraced Maharaja and lovingly kissed him on cheeks.
Guru Maharaja told the local devotees to be in contact with that old man.
All glories to Srila Bhakti Charu Swami Guru Maharaja who is helping the suffering souls all over the world by distributing the pure teachings of Srila Prabhupada, all over the planet !!

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