His Holiness Bhakti
Charu Swami Maharaja in Hawaii :
By Bhakta Michael
Maharaja on the first
day he came, that night, he came for Harinam! That was really great! I was
leading and finished quickly so Maharaja could lead. When he lead for about 30
minutes it was so blissful! All the devotees were dancing alot and inspired by his
presence. The next day he gave the Sunday Feast lecture and talked about
Prabhupada and what he did for us. Then he lead Gaura Aratik and brought us all
into a different dimesion of bliss!
On the next day, Monday
he gave a lecture at the College campus Art Building in the evening. A handful
of people showed. He was discussing on the divine natuer of the soul, etc. We
had bhajan before Maharaja came and prasdam after the speach.
The next Sunday there
was a home program in the morning and Maharaja came and spoke about ISKCON and
why we should stay with ISKCON. But one extremely rude Mataji, a god-sister of
Maharaja who is a follower of Narayan Maharaja, interrupted him when he was
speaking such nice Krsna Katha. Maharaja was very gentle and kind at first but
when she started talking crazy, etc. Maharaja became like a lion and stood up
for Prabhupada and ISKCON. It was an inspiring moment for alot of us and
Maharaja clearly explained that don't associate with other groups. Just stick
with Prabhupada and ISKCON! Maharaja stopped speaking then and started a bhajan
and then after he was done with that he left very quickly and he was very
upset. Jai Maharaja!!!
That evening at the
Sunday Love Feast, Maharaja spoke again and was preaching with so much energy
and was talking so nicely. He then lead the Gaura Aratik kirtan. In the evening
after the program was over about twenty devotees came upstairs to be with
Maharaja and it was so special. One mataji who stays at the temple asked
Maharaja if she could aspire to be his disciple and he agreed.
Maharaja would go for
swimming in the early evening almost everyday. I had the opportunity to drive
him to Waimanelo Bay beach and swim with him and other devotees. That was
really special
He would often give
lectures in the evening, after Gaura Aratik and inspire us all. While he was in
Hawaii he attended two harinams and I have posted videos of Maharaja leading on
my facebook page, Bhakta Michael.
Maharaja was supposed
to stay three weeks but left one week early because of an urgent matter. We
were all very sad to hear the news. He is supposed to come back to Hawaii for a
few days in middle of June. Can't wait! All gloriest to His Holiness Bhakti
Caru Swami Maharaja and his service!!! Jai Prabhupada!!!
Note : His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja in Hawaii Please see
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